Lets Ask The Angels!

Special Guest Melissa Virtue of Angel Dreams



Join me with my special guest. Melissa Virtue on January 31st at 4pm EST Saturday. Melissa began studying dreams and communicating with the angels at a young age. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner, medium, and a Light Resonace Healing Practitioner. Melissa teaches workshops on dream interpretation and angels.  A retired professional dancer, Melissa currently teaches SpiralDance®- Manifestation with Movement. created and teaches SpiralDance tm, a spiritually based dance technique. She is the author of Dreamtime, the Children’s series Magical Dream Journeys, and co-author with Doreen Virtue of Angel Dreams Oracle Cards, and Angel Dreams: Healing and Guidance from Your Dreams. Website:www.SacredSolas.com  She has a radio show too on BlogTalk http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mgvirtue Awakening with Melissa and Grant    Call in at 424-675-6837 for a reading on my show! Angel light and love, Barbara Calvano www.bcalvanocoaching.com Follow me there or at Facebook Bcalvanocoaching