Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OCG Special: Friday , July 8, 2011 •● ☥"Policing Girls"



OUR COMMON GROUND           with Janice Graham" Black Women's Blueprint: The Policing of Girls" OUR GUEST: Farah  Tanis, Founder  It's time to stop sexual assault by the police and demand police accountability!  The recent conclusion of criminal proceedings against former NYPD officers Kenneth Mata and Franklin Moreno on charges of raping a woman they were called to assist serves as an important wake-up call.   Black Women’s Blueprintis is a civil and human rights organization working to develop a culture where women of African descent are fully empowered and where gender, race and other disparities are erased. For more information or to get involved email: blueprintny@gmail.com Join us OCG onFaceBook Web:  www. ourcommonground.com Community Center: www.ourcommonground-talk.ning.com