Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OCG SPECIAL "Voter Suppression: Fixing the 2012 Election"



More than a dozen states have passed new laws designed to impede voters at every step of the electoral process through nefarious voter registration requirements.  If these laws stand, it is estimated that more than 25% of the Black people who voted for Barack Obama will be ineligible or restricted from voting in 2012.  Many of these laws are in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1985. Of all of these barriers, the most pervasive threat to voting rights are new identification restrictions, which have so far passed in five states.    "Voter Suppression:  The New Poll Tax"       Our Guest:  Judith Browne Dianis       Co-Director, Advancement Project We will be taking your calls and responding to your chatroom discussion.   Email Us:  OCGINFO@ourcommonground.com Twitter:  @JaniceOCG Facebook: OUR COMMON GROUND with Janice Graham OCG COMMUNITY FORUM Website