Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OUR COMMON GROUND l "Put in place: Race Baiting Politics"



OUR COMMON GROUND with Janice Graham  "Speaking Truth to Power and Ourselves" Fear Mongering to Win  The rich on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line have long exploited racism to keep themselves rich and divide the poor, the higher percentage of blacks in the south has always meant that "keeping them in their place" works better at driving white people's fear. Since the Repubs don't have anything to offer the poor-- indeed, they're more of a target than a constituency-- fear mongering is ...an irresistible means of winning an election. Newt Gingrich, meet Ross Barnett.    OPEN MIC SATURDAY NIGHT   Email Us: OCGINFO@ourcommonground.com  Twitter: @JaniceOCG l Facebook: OUR COMMON GROUND with Janice Graham l COMMUNITY FORUM l Website