Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OUR COMMON GROUND l The Extermination of Women of Color l



OUR COMMON GROUND  with Janice Graham "Speaking Truth to Power and Ourselves" Tonight:  Suzanne Brooks, Author, Activist discuses her new book, "The Constrctive Extermination of Women of Color; Consequences of Perpetual Socio- Economic Marginalization"  Suzanne Brooks, is an author, activist and musician.   The book, "The Constructive Extermination of Women of Color : Consequences of Perpetual Socio-Economic Marginalization" examines the unique experience of women of color under both racism and sexism and focuses on strategies which can help change the systems of our society which oppresses them.   Email Us: OCGINFO@ourcommonground.com  Twitter: @JaniceOCG l Facebook: OUR COMMON GROUND with Janice Graham l COMMUNITY FORUM l Website