Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OUR COMMON GROUND l "Our Children's Educational Imperative"



OUR COMMON GROUND  with Janice Graham Tonight: Our Children's Educational Imperative "Educating our Children; Culturally Appropriate Classrooms" OUR GUEST:  Dr. Christopher Emdin Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he also serves as Director of Secondary School Initiatives at the Urban Science Education Center. He is author of the book, Urban Science Education for the Hip-Hop Generation, and also a columnist for the Huffington Post His research focuses on issues of race, class, and diversity in urban science classrooms, the use of new theoretical frameworks to transform education, and urban school reform.  "Speaking Truth to Power and Ourselves" Email Us: OCGINFO@ourcommonground.com  Twitter: @JaniceOCG #TalkthatMatters l Facebook: OUR COMMON GROUND with Janice Graham l COMMUNITY FORUM l Website