Dr. Leonard Robinson

Kingdom Simplicity w/Jennifer Rose



Whenever you get away from the simplicity that is in Christ you complicate what God wants us to know and understand about what God intended in sending Jesus for us to follow the example that He set and to receive the salvation that He came to bring.  To rediscover this simplicity Paul said that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  Jennifer Rose is anointed to share with you biblical truths concerning the purpose, mission and message of God through Jesus Christ.  As you listen, get your Bible, take notes and know that it was never God's intention that you would be doctrinated with biblical concepts that are questionable.  It was always God's intent that your core theology would come from what Jesus preached and Jesus preached the Kingdom of God.  Jennifer Rose will help you return back to the New Testament starting place of the reign of God over the people God recreates for Himself through the New Birth.