Beantown Pals W/ Bucky And Betty

Beantown Pals with Cat Michaels, Leigh and Kate Shearin join Bucky and Betty



Children's chapter book authors, Cat Michaels (Finding Fuzzy) and Leigh Sheain (John Bloom) with illustrator Kate Shearin (Leigh's sister in law) join Bucky and Betty and Enzo "Tommie Cussy" Cannelinni for a fun filled frolic of three great friends. One from North Carolina: One from a farm in Upstate New York and one from the Granite State of New Hampshire. Listen in as we discover more about these artists and their mutual roads to fame. Leigh also owns a farm in Upstate New York and rasies chickens, pigs and klds (not necessarily in that order). Experience the story of how they met and nurtured and supported each other's projects.