Click Millionaires Masterminds Startup Accelerator Coaching

Small Business & Entrepreneur Coaching Hangout #39 - Free Public Office Hours



Lifestyle Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners:  What questions do YOU have about your small business or internet marketing?  What can I help you with to succeed online?  Or, would you like me to review your website LIVE and for FREE? Want to have some fun and learn how to build your online business faster to make more money? Our next FreePublic Coaching Hangout #39 will be Wednesday, July 15 at 630pm ET! Join our monthly free small business strategy coaching coaching sessions.  This is YOUR opportunity to join me LIVE via webcam directly from my office in Southern California IF you post your website and your questions. PLEASE RSVP here now:  Post your questions or websites for review here now. I'll be happy to help you with lifestyle businesses, finding a niche, creating products, online marketing, social media, SEO - whatever we can do to help you move forward. What would YOU like to discuss? Or, what's the URL of your website that you'd like suggestions on improving? Please just RSVP and post y