Nancy At Noon

That 'Falling In Love' Feeling



Do you love the feeling of being in love? Well, what if I told you that you could have that feeling every day? You can. Dr. Joanna Carmichael, Susan Lewis and I are going to tell you have to keep that 'being in love' feeling alive every day regardless of any obstacles that appear to be standing in your way . . . . like not having a partner. Contact my guests: Dr. Joanna Carmichael at Susan Lewis at                                       *           *           *           *           * Nancy Murdoch website : Email Nancy at: Connecting today’s bride with the best information and resources in the wedding industry. Our expert guests share real life experiences, tips and strategies to help you make informed decisions to create a wedding that will surpass your wildest dreams. But it doesn’t end there! We talk about how you can make your marriage and the rest of your life a celebration long after the g