Nancy At Noon

Clearing Clutter: Where Do I Begin?!!!



Clutter drains energy. Have you ever noticed that when you walk into a friend’s house and there is stuff everywhere you just want to get out of there?    What about your own home?    We all have problem areas in our homes that we haven’t dealt with yet, whether it’s because we don’t have time, we don’t know how or we go into overwhelm just thinking about it. That’s because ‘things’ hold energy. It’s like walking around with a full bag of garbage on our shoulders. It doesn’t take long before the weight is too much to bear and it wears us out. Then it spews it's toxins all over our life. No More Clutter!! My special guest Alison Kero is going to share the secrets of getting your house in order and back on track. Alison is a decluttering and organizational expert with simple solutions that will make your organizational project easier than you imagined.  You can reach Alison at and visit her website and blog for more tips at Be sure to send me your comments and any questio