Songs In The Key Of Life With Nadine O'regan

Clem Burke (Blondie) - Songs in the Key of Life



Make no mistake: it was both an honour and a privilege to have Clem Burke, drummer with the iconic US band Blondie, on the show to pick his favourite tunes. Not only are Blondie bone fide legends in their field -- with hits including Call Me, Maria, Hangin' on the Telephone and Heart of Glass -- they are also one of the bands who are most regularly picked by other guests to play on the show, so in that light it was particularly cool to have Clem arrive into studio. Clem joined Blondie in 1975, a few months after Debbie Harry and Chris Stein had founded the band -- and he's been with the band through the decades ever since. "My quest when I was an 18-year-old lad was that I wanted someone to take me where I wanted to go," he said of his working relationship and friendship with Debbie Harry, the famous frontwoman of Blondie. "I wanted my Bowie, my Marc Bolan, my Jim Morrison. It just so happened that it was a woman who fulfilled that need. She's a gorgeous woman, but she's a toughie. She can deal with stuff." B