Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

ARE YOU A TARGET? Learn The Threats + Ways To Protect Yourself With This PJ Expert



Cobras, nail polish and a cable. Today’s episode reveals these three things all have in common defying danger and retired PJ Matt Schrader who brings his 21 years of service experience and expertise to hook you up with insider advice. Opening the show, Matt shares a jaw-dropping icebreaker tale about a cobra encounter and right off the bat from there you know this PJ is going to deliver an unflinching look at life inside this elite force and arm you with essential tips honed through two decades of dangerous, vital missions.In the first half of the show, Matt takes us inside the unseen world of Air Force PJs. We’re talking advanced parachuting, weapons, combat diving, survival in all terrains expertise, ropes and mountaineering, tactical maneuvering, combat medic with surgical skills and more. We start in Alaska where Matt grew up and began serving and you’ll get to hear a harrowing tale- bursting with PJ bravery- when a tourist helo went down and a helo with a team to rescue them went down&h