Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

007: Anthony Ongaro – Break The Twitch



What is your ideal day? What does it look like? What are the key things that you are doing? Who are you spending it with? More importantly, did you do anything today that resembles your ideal day? My guest today is Anthony Ongaro, and the essence of an ideal day is one of the topics we dive into, and it is a notion I have been thinking a lot about lately. Anthony felt that he had a lot of twitches in his life. Little things that he would do, that by themselves aren’t that bad. But done over a long period of time, meant that his actions weren’t aligned with how he wanted to live and experience life. Anthony broke these twitches and replaced them with healthier, more important daily habits. And similar to his bad twitches, his good habits by themselves aren’t life changing. But done over a long period of time, they have enabled him to live life that is more aligned with his ideal day and life vision. In this episode we chat about the positive space that minimalism can leave, personal accountab