Doc Thompson

Every Bishop in Trouble, It's All About Race, & Emma Cohen - 9/4/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 We just don’t know how to act anymore… It takes someone dying to speak well about them?... McCain’s funeral service was filled with attacks to the right… Bishop felt up Ariana Grande and apologizes… Michael Dyson, a well-educated man, makes up his own words. Hour 2 Truck carrying Axe body spray catches on fire… No sight of women nearby… Aretha Franklin didn’t have a Will before her death… It seems like every Bishop at Aretha’s funeral got in trouble… The word ‘Weaponize’ is the left’s new favorite word. Hour 3 It’s all about race… We go through a list of illegals who have committed crimes in the U.S…. Kid who was ‘beaten up’ for standing up to bullies admits to lying about the story… We speak with Emma Cohen, co-founder of Final Straw, to talk about a reusable straw.  To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaze