Doc Thompson

Maximum TDS, How To Spot a Bullied Kid, & Author Skip Desjardin - 9/13/18



The Morning Blaze Topics:   Hour 1 Doc has some medical advice for those who may be coming down with a serious case of TDS... Now President Trump is inspiring actress on actress violence... Then Doc recounts the days of his youth, hazing and being hazed by the Thompson clan.   Hour 2 Author Skip Desjardin joins the show over the phone to talk about his new book September 1918: War, Plague, and the World Series... Oh what a difference a century makes... And this just in, apparently Trump controls the weather, and hurricanes have to get his permission before making landfall...   Hour 3 Simone Robers, Managing Director of, calls in to discuss bullying in America and the warning signs a kid might be being bullied... We get 'em every time, people who don't evacuate ahead of major storms... And which do you think will be the bigger disaster, hurricane Florence of Kris' marriage? To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson&