Your Adrenal Fix With Dr Joel Rosen

Your Adrenal Fix Podcast 14: “Stem Cells and Adrenal Fatigue with Special Guest Dr Michael L Johnson



Adrenal fatigue is a debilitating, grossly misunderstood, health care epidemic. On top of not being able to deal with stressors adequately, most traditional medical doctors do NOT believe in Adrenal Fatigue. People that suffer with Adrenal Fatigue are always looking for new alternative to heal. That’s where stem cells can be a game changer. In … Your Adrenal Fix Podcast 14: “Stem Cells and Adrenal Fatigue with Special Guest Dr Michael L Johnson Read More » The post Your Adrenal Fix Podcast 14: “Stem Cells and Adrenal Fatigue with Special Guest Dr Michael L Johnson appeared first on The Truth About Adrenal Fatigue.