Wilde About Wellbeing

Can a shift in perspective change your life? How to foster a positive mindset



In today's episode, we focus on perspective, and how we might go about changing it in order to improve our lives. Along with some stories from me, there's also tips on how I go about shifting my perspective.   Schedule: 0-2: Hello 2-12: My recent experiences of changing my perspective 12-17: Why I'm inclined to jump to a negative perspective 17-23:The benefits of having a more positive perspective 23-26: Situations where a positive mindset feels impossible 26-33: Some of the methods I use to shift my mindset 33-34: Quote of the episode 34-39: More examples of perspective shifts 39-40: My favourite takeaways from the episode 40-42: Goodbyes and thank yous   Quote: "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves" Viktor Frankl   Honorable Mentions: Website: www.wildeaboutwellbeing.com Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Dr Adi Jaffe's IGNTD podcast about my plane cancellation