Sheep Moon

Sheep Moon - Episode 119: Power Underwhelming



-Nominations have closed for the 2015 WoW Podcaster Tournament of Epicness! Tune in next week for the Bracket reveal! -6.1 is one of the most lackluster patches ever, but is it actually the worst? -The world first race is over, BUT NOT WITHOUT SOME CONTROVERSY! Please email questions, comments, and critiques of the show to or tweet @sheep_moon *Now for the secret part of these show notes! I'm just going to type out random song lyrics, because reasons. Feel free to google the lyrics and follow along. And I don't feel the need to go on I was happier singing along the way I had things, I need to say But now it's like a swallowed tape That holds up my face from inside As everything just falls apart 'Cause everything just fell apart for me So woe is me Oh woe is me, yeah