Coma Radio

COMA radio : m tribute



My great friend Michelle has gone atop the cloud's structure. She's gone and left her lungs and her impressions behind. These aren't all of the writings that I've written that have involved her. These are just the paragraphs that I've chosen to share. After M's death, this is the only song that I could listen to. I listened to it the morning that I got the call[s] of her death. I listened to it for 2 straight solid weeks. I listen to it... & it still makes me cry. june : 17 : 2005 : adopted mother michelle And I just found out what has happened. You've already been missing from work for 3+ months. Out with a bad back. The reasoning for your pain the doctor's couldn't figure out. So you and they and me and everyone else. Figured it out all together. You have cancer. Sitting in it's own dumb fucking ugly rocking chair. Right next to your shell-shocked spine. I'm so sorry. I'm so sad and breaking on the inside for you. My heart won't stay inside it's normal cemented box. I cried as soon as I heard it. Hoping