Coma Radio

COMA radio : painted with boredom



COMA radio is sponsored by 5design. Check out the goods here : Random lyrics from this show's chest full of MP3's : °°° Lets see if I'm hearing this right °°° °°° I'm reclaiming their minds °°° °°° But you're feeling so bad cause you know °°° °°° I forget everything I learn °°° °°° I've got to let it go and leave it gone °°° One of my random writings from the past 7 years [ from today's date or the closest to it ] : 12.19.00 : untitled You panicked. Over the volume of the fear ringing between your ears. Lick the salt from your hand. Don't try to cover me up. Smother me. You broke me. Don't push me into the past. You broke me. I'll never leave. You broke me.