Show And Sell With Charlene

Ep4: The Party Analogy for Social Media



Which social media platforms should you be on? And how do you know what to do or say when you’re on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn? For a lot of entrepreneurs getting started with social media, it can be helpful to use the Party Analogy to get a handle on which platforms are right for them!   In this episode: Why you don’t need to be on all the platforms The importance of starting with your Purpose Why you might want to just be “in the room”   "Let's think of it this way: The platforms are parties where a lot of people have gotten together, and there are lots of different conversations happening at these parties." “If you're at a party and there is no one you want to talk to, then guess what you're probably at the wrong party.” “Use the social media platforms to create that human connection, and to stay connected and have conversations. And be clear about how using social media relates to your business.” Want help with social media for your creative business? Visit and book a free c