Everything Hertz

40: Meta-research (with Michèle Nuijten)



Dan and James are joined by Michèle Nuijten (Tilburg University) to discuss 'statcheck', an algorithm that automatically scans papers for statistical tests, recomputes p-values, and flags inconsistencies. They also cover: - How Michèle dealt with statcheck criticisms - Psychological Science’s pilot of statcheck for journal submissions - Detecting data fraud - When should a journal issue a correction? - Future plans for statcheck - The one thing Michèle thinks that everyone else thinks is crazy - Michèle's most worthwhile career investment - The one paper that Michèle thinks everyone should read Links Michèle's website: https://mbnuijten.com Michèle's twitter account: https://twitter.com/michelenuijten Statcheck: https://statcheck.io Tilberg University meta-research center: http://metaresearch.nl Guardian story on detecting science fraud: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/feb/01/high-tech-war-on-science The paper Michèle thinks everyone should read: http://opim.wharton.upenn.edu/DPlab/papers/publishedP