Kevin Whitsitt

How to Get Patience and Using it to Win!



Click on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey in this video I want to talk about how to get patience and using it to win. Patience is one of these things that I have been thinking about lately and 1 person who I admire greatly who is already big and getting bigger is Gary Vee. He hits the nail right on the head when he says it is micro speed and macro patience. It's equally pushing it and equally being patience. Most people are on one extreme or the other. We all struggle with patience myself included and one of the things that hurts us worrying about what are peers think. You know keeping up with the Jonses. If you start a business. No matter what it is your ego is tied to it, so you want it to be successful plus there is probably going to be some people who think it's a dumb idea. I'm thinking a big reason people give up is due to their ego.