Click on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey today I'm going to be talking about a topic that I've been thinking about for a while and its about strengths and weaknesses of a person and which should you focus on... I'm in the middle of reading one of Gary Vee's books, that guy is funny. He has written more books than he has read almost. One thing he talks about he wish he could create a drug that allowed people to know themselves. What do you like, what do you dislike, what are you good at and what do you suck at. His thought process is to triple down on what your good at and ignore what you suck at. I just finished Ray Daliio's book “Principles” his attitude is to explore one's weaknesses so you can shore them up or do something about them. I'm interested in knowing what you feel you should focus on more. Strengths or your weaknesses. What is it? Wait till the end of this video I wonder if you still feel the same.