Bruce Lee Podcast

#87 Becoming a Warrior



Bruce Lee is a true warrior. A warrior is often thought of in the physical sense, as a fighter and physically strong. But it is possible to be a warrior in the mind, body, and spirit. Shannon comes from a lineage of warriors and has been exploring what being a a true warrior means for her. What does it take for us to become true warriors? “The warrior is the average man with laser-like focus.” There is no language about fighting or physical prowess in this quote, but what does Bruce Lee mean by “laser-like focus”? Laser-like is to put intense energy towards something. To be a warrior is a big commitment in one’s life and Bruce put an intense, energetic beam of focus towards that goal. For Bruce, being a warrior was actually about one’s growth and healing, and the combination of using your mind, body, and spirit in harmony toward the cultivation of one’s self. Bruce was a warrior in the broader sense of life. Every day Bruce got up with the intention of working on himself, bettering himself, actualizing himsel