Bruce Lee Podcast

#88 Artist of Life



Most people know Bruce Lee as an actor and martial artist, but he defined himself as an Artist of Life. This term comes from a series of drafts of his essay “In My Own Process” which we discussed in Episode 29. In Bruce’s essays on “In My Own Process” he stated that being an Artist of Life was his overall goal and how he identified himself. It is because he was an artist of life that we still know about Bruce Lee today. He was intentional about cultivating his life and who Bruce Lee was. “I am a martial artist by choice, an actor by profession, and I am actualizing myself daily to be an Artist of Life."  This definition was both concise and broad enough to allow Bruce to grow and expand. Bruce wrote often about how he is an ever expanding person and that there is no end or limit to this process and that he is discovering and growing exponentially all the time. Bruce put his identity in the context of humanity, not a profession or trade. This is applicable to everyone.  If you are the artist and your canvas i