The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

Ep 45: Amy Ahlers



Amy Ahlers, The Wake-Up Call Coach, is the bestselling author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves and Reform Your Inner Mean Girl: 7 Steps to Stop Bullying Yourself & Start Loving Yourself. Amy is on is on a mission to stop women and mamas from being so darn hard on themselves. She's been a Certified Life Coach for over 16 years and is the co-creator of transformational programs such as Inner Mean Girl Reform School, Find Your Calling & Visionary Ignition Switch. Amy's been featured on lots of TV and radio shows and leads virtual and in person retreats for women around the world so they cultivate the courage to follow their Inner Wisdom. Amy is passionate about helping soulful mamas embrace the messiness and magic of motherhood in her truth telling community, Mama Truth Circle, and podcast, Mama Truth show. You can often find Amy holding hands with the love of her life and husband, Rob, as they chase after their firecracker daughters, Annabella and Evie Rose. She resides in the San Francisco Bay Are