Coach Corey Wayne

10 Reasons Why Women Chase More



Ten (10) typical reasons why women tend to chase more in dating and relationships than men do, and how understanding this natural dynamic between masculine and feminine energy, can make your dating and relationship life free from worry of rejection or getting dumped unexpectedly. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a female viewer who has been following my work for over a year and has bought my book. She says that she agrees with almost everything I teach, except with what I teach about women chasing men more in dating and relationships. She says that she does not like it when men over-pursue and act too beta-male-like. She says that she has noticed that in some countries in Europe, men tend to be more passive at home and let the women lead, which she finds is a turn-off. She brings up some interesting points and thinks men should be more the way she says she wants, but in the same email she talks about how guys that actually behave that way are a turn-off and act like babies. I discus