Lifehouse Hong Kong

Unchangeable in Changing Times 在變幻時代的不變



2018/7/8 Ps Graeme Kirkwood Categories: Video: *Unchangeable in Changing Times* 在變幻時代的不變 *Jesus, an anchor for the soul, safe and secure* 耶穌,靈魂的錨,安全並穩固 “that’s cute, but don’t tell anybody about it”. - Kodak 「這個好有趣,但不要告訴其他人。」 “there will never be enough problems or enough work to keep any more than one or two of these high speed machines busy.” - IBM 「不會有足夠的問題或工作能夠讓這一,二部快速機械忙碌。」- IBM “Edison’s Light bulb was good enough for our Transatlantic friends (USA) , but unworthy of the attention of practical or scientific men”. - British Parliament 「愛迪生電燈是足夠服務我們大西洋彼岸的朋友,但不足夠提起任何科學家的注目。」 - 英國議會 “Airplanes are interesting scientific toys but they are of no military value” - WW1 General 「飛機是很有趣的科學玩具但它們都沒有軍事價值」 - 第一次世界大戰將軍 1 - Who can we rely on? 1. 誰能讓我們依靠? 2 - So, God said 2. 所以, 神說 I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) 約 翰 福 音 14:6 CUV [6] 耶 穌 說 我 就 是 道 路 、 真 理 、 生 命