Wetzel To Forde

JJ Watt Injured, Yankee Fan Botches Proposal, and Kneeling for the National Anthem in Nebraska



On today's show... The Texans are in bad shape. JJ Watt, the man-beast who doesn't believe in taking days off, will have to take a seat after re-injuring his back. If Watt can't return this season, what chances do the Texans have at winning their division? Also, a Yankee fan did the classic stadium wedding proposal...and lost the ring...temporarily. The guy's face, while the ring was lost, looked like a ball of anxiety wrapped in a nightmare. Then, should Olympians get tax breaks? Should Nebraska be able to kick someone off their football team for kneeling during the National Anthem? Could Les Miles maybe coach at Kentucky? It's all here on today's Wetzel to Forde.