Shawna K

EP 1 – The Choose One Change Challenge



No one likes change and a challenge sounds intimidating. Welcome to my very first podcast called the ‘Choose One Change Challenge’. Stick with me and I’m going to entice you to make a tiny change that could lead to life changing results… …Results like my super star client, who lost 50 lbs by starting with one small change. Stay tuned for her story and how you can use the same principle to change your own life for the better… You see… I believe that there are too many women over 40 that have given up on themselves not realizing how simple and attainable it is to look and feel better than they ever have. In this podcast, I’ll give you my number one tip to change any thing. You’ll find out a little more about me and why I’m so passionate about helping women. In a nutshell, I can say that my mom was my inspiration… Now it’s not what you may think. My mom wasn’t a champion for women. My mom was a champion for our family, but in being so, she was not a champion for herself. I never saw my mom take care of herself