Ask Julie Ryan

EPISODE 85 - Nelson The Cat



This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie scans a cat named Nelson per the request of his owner, to learn if he needs surgery. Then, Julie talks with a caller about why her horse Willy keeps shaking his head. Her diagnosis and suggested treatment may surprise you. Other callers ask questions about soul mates, the cause of depression and anxiety, viral infections, a tender toe, and which of the Twelve Phases of Transition a dying mother is in. Julie reports what she sees while scanning them and as usual, provides lots of suggestions and insights for healing based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. All in all, it is an interesting and fun show. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# For more information go to