The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #9: How to Make Your Life Story a Best-Seller with Leana Delle



Imagine you're 90 years old. You're sitting on the front porch of your house. You're curled up in a rocking chair made of wood with a few feather pillows. An afghan is resting across your lap, keeping you warm. You're looking out onto the front yard of your home,and you're reminiscing about your life. You think about a decision you made when you were 25 years old.You smile.You know that was a great decision. In this episode, Leana shares this incredible method for decision-making along with an insanely large number of other tips to live a life of no regrets. And... even if we've already experienced regret... how to shake it off and keep moving forward. Leana's bright spirit, hilarious sense of humor, and no nonsense advice really make this podcast one that you do not want to miss. Today's episode is great for anyone who's ever felt like it's too late to make a change, wants to know how to create a mindset that embraces transformation, and wants to laugh hard enough to possibly pee their pants. Hopefully not i