Coach Corey Wayne

She's Back After Choosing Another Guy



What you should do and how you should approach a situation where a woman you briefly dated, who got serious with another guy, gets back in touch with you, but it appears that the other guy is still in the picture. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who writes in asking about a woman he dated about a year ago. They only had two dates, but he was really crazy about her. She ended up getting serious with another guy she was already dating and he simply thought it was the last he would hear from her. Since then he has found my work and has been dating other women. She recently got back in touch with him, asked him about where he was living and if he was living alone. He tried to set a date with her, but she was vague and evasive. She said that she would get back in touch with him once she figured out her schedule, but it’s now been nine days since he last heard from her. He asks my opinion on what is really going on and what he should do now.