Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

LwOCD 090: Julie and Andy Update Show - Part 3



In this episode Julie and Andy catch you up on everything that has been going on in their lives so far in 2013. They talk about Andy getting laid off and starting his own business, Julie's trip home to Ireland, the death of Julie's Grandmother, and Julie's health problems. They discuss these events not just to discuss them, but to talk about how Julie's OCD has been through them and how she has handled all the continued stress in her life. Andy talks about things from his perspective and when talking together they realize the ebb and flow cycle that they have been on and how they hope for better days ahead. Life is not all always what you expect and when you add OCD into the mix it really can throw you for a loop sometimes. This show is about handling life with OCD through the hard times and how there is always hope no matter the situation.