Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

Don't Take Anything Personally from The Four Agreements



May 13 In Sunday's Sip: 'DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY'With Dr. Janette FreemanFrom out of Don Miguel Ruiz’ book, The Four Agreements:"As you make a habit of not taking anything personally, you won't need to place your trust in what others do or say. You will only need to trust yourself to make responsible choices."As we begin to live more from the Higher Self, and trust that voice, we are free to follow it and not be led into suffering by being thrown around emotionally by the voices of others and your own little self.PROCESS: The energetic healing will clear some old agreements that no longer serve you, and give you the opportunity to make new agreements that will be more in alignment with your Higher Self.Soul Soup on Sunday at 9 am (PST) Register here and then simply LOG IN at 9:00 on Sunday!You can register here:http://www.soulsoup.onlineDonation Based - All for more information on personal coaching and counseling