Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

Care Less to Care More! Heal Co-Dependent Relationships



Care Less to Care More!  Heal Co-Dependent Relationships!One of the biggest challenges for most of us in caring too much about what other's think, do and say- to the degree we doubt our own light.Or, we give and give, out of some sort of need to be needed...Or, we put too much attention on someone else and crave to be wanted...Or we focus on our needs being met by someone, some experience or some thing.All of these human conditions surely speak to a need to receive from the outer what we havn't met in the inner.  And that, my friend leads to suffering.I call it horizontal awareness...Looking outside of ourselves horizontally-rather than inside of us vertically (to our Higher Self.) In this episode, we'll do a powerful spiritual activation process to HOOK back up deeply and energetically to our own Source of everything... and then work with three relationships and unhook from them and hook them into their own higher self. The Higher Self will do a powerful healing, and set everyone free to be themselves.www.on