Dharma Talks by Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz

The Lakshmi Series - Zen, Taoism and Buddhism



There are many different pathways that lead to spiritual awareness, consciousness and perfection. Certainly three of the most frequently traveled pathways are the pathways of Zen, Buddhism and Taoism. Today I'd like to talk to you a little bit about these ways, not so much from a historical perspective but from the perspective of one who, in other lifetimes, has practiced and taught these three ways. If you'd like historical information on the evolution of Zen, Buddhism or Taoism, there's a wealth of information at your local library or in a metaphysical bookstore. But my interest is the essence of these teachings, not so much what's happened with them historically or the books that have been written about them, detailing them, or the descriptions of people who have had experiences in the monasteries or living a more secular life. Rather, my interest is the essence of the teaching-the way, as it were. Please visit http://fredericklenzfoundation.org for more information.