Dharma Talks by Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz

The Enlightenment Cycle - Wisdom



Wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to do two things at once. To be in the world and of it and enjoy it, participate in it fully and successfully, and at the same time to not be here at all. To be in realms of light. To be in the superconscious state, to be in samadhi, beyond all this, that true wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to take care of your life properly, to know what's right for you. To have assessed what is the right path and follow it with heart, with your full spirit and your full mind and your full body. To not have reservations. When you do something halfheartedly, you don't get much of a result. When you do it fully, you get a great result. So wisdom is the ability to let go. Children are wise in a funny kind of a way. Perhaps their interests aren't as vested. They haven't developed so many vested interests of self. So they just kind of let go. They go from one neighborhood to another, one school to another, fairly easily. As they get older it becomes more difficult. There's a wisdom, a lack of self co