Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

Taking the Big Leap and Clearing the Blocks to Love



Clear the blocks to love, worthiness, and total acceptance NOW.  Includes powerful HYPNO-PROCESS to have a powerful transformation.Gay Hendrick's book, The Big Leap is talked about.  We must clear the blocks that keep us stuck- only letting in 'so much' good.  There is a focus in this talk of clearing the blocks to love (shot right before Valentine's Day.)Soul Soup Live Online talk and Process.To join us live on Sunday mornings, You can register here"Soul Soup," to provide food for your soul and warmth for your heart. Each Sunday at 9:00 am, PST from the comfort of your home, tune in for a short inspirational message with a HYPNO-PROCESS (subconscious process of transformation.)Experience real shift in a short time.So sit down, create your quiet "me space," and allow yourself to breathe and focus and we'll take care of the rest- and you can get the soul-stirring refreshment your body, mind and spirit has been yearning for.