One Thousand Hertz

I'm Going Back Home



I went to my first Family Reunion in 1996. I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't sure what to expect. Growing up  an only child living on the west coast, I knew very little about my fraternal family members who make the Mid-West and South their homes.Arriving in St. Louis on that hot August afternoon I was greeted with smiles of curiosity. Everyone knew my Dad- in was legendary- and they knew of me but few had actually met the "son from California". Having dreadlocks and a laid back attitude made me a stand out right away. But I was welcomed and I had a since of belonging. I brought a tape recorder with me and created a show that is the basis of this podcast.I just returned from the 2010 Family Reunion. It's been about 10 years since my last one in Jackson Mississippi. No longer sporting dreadlocks, a little grey- I was welcomed back- the prodigal "son from California".I don't know what it is about families. There is no "perfect families" like those seen in on television of the 50's, 60's and early 70's