Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 232- Cover Date: January 1991 Part 02- This Close to Being Good- Uncanny X-Men #272



In this week's egg nog-chugging episode, Magnus continues the Cover Date: 1991 megaseries by putting Uncanny X-Men #272 under the Christmas microscope. Will a chorus triumphantly ring out in praise? Or is this issue pure Pottersville? There's only one way to find out! You see, boys and girls, the purpose of this megaseries is to get a feel for what comics all about in 1991. Were they bad? Were they great? Or is the truth somewhere in the middle? But that's not all! In order to help you peasants get into the proper 1991 headspace for 1991, there's also discussion about some songs from 1991. Another week, another song. There have been a lot of songs getting talked about lately, yes? And so will there be more songs talked about in the remainder of the Cover Date: 1991 megaseries. So what more do you want? Start listening right now before you get kidnapped by mutates and trapped on Genosha. Due to the avalanche of awesomeness, there's just no time for listener feedback this week. But Magnus has slowly been gettin