Standout With Cheryl Tan

Engage Your Audience Using Live Video With Jennifer Quinn - STANDOUT with Cheryl Tan



We talk about video quite a bit on STANDOUT. It makes sense, since video is one of the best and quickest ways to share your message with new people. Earlier this year, I was working with a company based in New York to possibly start a video show. We didn’t end up going forward with that, but we did learn about Jennifer Quinn, widely known as Jenny Q, who was and is making a name for herself as a livestreaming expert. Listen to our conversation and take away some really important nuggets, like why video isn’t a nice-to-have anymore, how conventional marketing advice may not give you the results you want and the things you need RIGHT NOW to get started with video. What you'll learn in this episode: *How to use live, in-person events to grow a following, one that you can eventually move online *Why it's important to embrace new technology *How Jenny pushed past her fear to start doing videos, even though she had not done them before *Jenny's Video Success Plan *The things you need to have to start video NOW