Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 225- Bones Is Something of a Realist- Star Trek #01



In this week's ball-exploring episode, Magnus has been going through a Star Trek binge bigly. And it's like anything, this podcast is the dumping ground for the meanderings of His Excellency's fanboy muse. The binge has taken the form of a crapton of TOS episodes and also a bunch of DC Trek comics. Specifically, and as it relates to this week's ball-exploring episode, Star Trek vol. 02 #01, by Peter David and James Fry. Magnus had never read any TOS-era comics before so this was a new experience. And even though your wise leader is a bit of a neophyte Trek fan, it so happens that there's quite a lot to say about Star Trek #01. Not least because this was the first time reading a Peter David Star Trek story and it didn't disappoint! So what else is there to say? Start listening right now or else some Nasgulian warlord will pronounce a death sentence upon you. Or, y'know, whatever. Due to the avalanche of awesomeness, there's just no time for listener feedback this week. But Magnus has slowly been getting caught