Maximize Excellence




Mickie Zada found her calling helping women escape abusive relationships so they can Maximize Excellence in their life. Mickie's mission is "Enjoying confidence to align with Divine intent to be of service and a beacon to others." She is Becoming A Beacon Of Excellence. Mickie lived the first 53 years of her life for everyone else and now she's on a personal crusade to live her second 53 years for herself. Living her dream and fulfilling her mission. She helps women "Move from Where they are to WHO they are". Listen to this episode of the Maximize Excellence Show and how the 7 forces helped her attract BIGGER & BETTER opportunities to her life. In this episode, you’ll discover: The Twin Sister of Generosity Shocking advice from John Maxwell that changed her life Tweaking Ideas To Create Excellence How To Rekindle Passion The Single Ingredient That Must Be Mixed with Vision To Create Excellence   Join the Conversation One of the things I like best about interviewing successful people is learning what yo