Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 09- Superman Begins 01- Secret Years



In this latest ball-buster of an episode, Magnus heads into Superman Begins, a new miniseries dedicated to various Superman origin stories in comics.This time around, His Excellency reviews the New Adventures of Superboy #51 and Superman- The Secret Years, written by Bob Rozakis, illustrated (mostly) by The Mighty Curt Swan and partly screwed up by Flexographic printing.All this, plus Magnus considers in his own inimitable, manly and bare-chested way how stealing cake might relate to Marsellus Wallace's soul. Yes sir, this show is Epic with a side of Awesome and washed down with several gallons of Badass. Find out why professional hockey players have cried in bitter anguish after listening to this podcast.