Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 79- If This Be My Destiny- Amazing Spider-Man #31-#33



In this latest ball-webbing episode, Magnus is still kicking back and enjoying the downtime before a crapload of miniseries and megaseries start up by taking a fond, if slightly sarcastic, look back at Amazing Spider-Man #31-#33 by Surfing Stan Lee and Pyschosomatic Steve Ditko, a little classic called If This Be My Destiny. Spider-Man wins and loses, loves and loses, fights and loses, tries to stay calm and loses. In short, he does a lot of losing in this storyline, and His Excellency is there every step of the way to chronicle the journey. Once all that's over, Magnus stretches the gaping hole in the mailsack so that the simpletons and fools can jockey for position to heap praise upon His Excellency's splendor. You other lowly halfwits and commoners, you great, filthy, unwashed masses are welcome to pay your pathetic attempt at tribute to Magnus as well. DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing and able to accept bribes to present your missives to His Excellency. The email address to use is excellency@trentus