Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 80- What Happens When the Joker Wins? Batman- Going Sane



This latest ball-drowning episode finds His Excellency Magnus taking a long, fond and nostalgic look back at Batman- Going Sane, a four part story from Legends of the Dark Knight #65-#68 geniusly written by JM DeMatteis, masterfully illustrated by Joe Staton and imaginatively lettered by Willie Schubert. The pitch is simple enough: What if the Joker wins? What follows is a journey through darkness and insanity that Apocalypse Now can only dream of. This story is so awesome that a strong argument can be made that mass audiences *STILL* haven't recovered from it. Certainly the Joker has it. Take your Death of the Family silliness outside; nobody cares. Going Sane is what the Joker is *ALL* about. The common rabble aren't left out of the fun either! Nope. This week His Excellency stretches the ol' mail sack once again so that the lowly peasants can pay their great leader the honor which he is due. Even so, the rest of you simple commoners are welcome to kiss His Excellency's ring of greatness too. DiManzocorp in