Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 111- Women in Comics 01- Give Up the Flag Boy- Alias #01-#05 (and Magnus Ramblings)



In this week's ball-surveilling (because "ball-sodomizing" wouldn't make any sense) episode, Magnus gabs about Alias, the once-forgotten-but-now-coming-to-a-Netflix-channel-near-you property starring Jessica Jones. Up for discussion this time around is Alias Investigations, the opening salvo in the Alias ongoing title. For being a MAX title, it's strange to think how much of this series ended up getting incorporated into mainstream Marvel continuity. I assume page 11 of the first issue is included in that. What a sticky situation, eh? You see, this episode marks the first chapter of a five part megaseries about Women in Comics. Comics concerning other female characters are coming soon. After finishing up the Alias discussion, Magnus then gabs about Views from the Longbox episode 203: Eight Years and Holding. Apart from being an awesome episode of Bailey's show, it's a chance for His Excellency to kick some awesome science onto the unwashed masses' asses regarding where the Fanboy Muse has taken comic book-rea